Atlanta Personal Training
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Healthy Weight Loss – how to lose weight the healthy way
To maintain a stable weight is as simple as having your calorie intake equal the calories burned by your body. That is all there is to weight loss. It is easy for me to say and write but in reality it is a little more difficult. If you use more energy than you consume, you will lose weight. The opposite is true, if you eat more than you use, you will gain weight. The sensible healthy answer to losing excess body fat is to make a lifestyle change. I am sure everyone has heard this before when looking for diet and weight loss information, but it is necessary if you want to maintain a healthy weight. It does not have to be a big chance just small healthy changes to your eating and exercise habits and your body will change for the better. I believe this is the best way to lose weight and keep it off
Here are a few tips, a weight loss plan, to help you lose weight without diet pills and fad diets so you will have safe weight loss.
You are not on a diet, do not skip meals!
When you starve yourself you may eat more when you do eat. This can do two things. You eat more than you need because you are so hungry. It can also stretch you stomach, this may lead to a larger stomach capacity that is harder to fill. It has been show that a person’s stomach capacity can increase if large individual meals are eaten.
Diets will slow your metabolism.
Crash dieting is a short-term solution that will increase your body fat levels in the long term. Your body responds to these periods of semi-starvation by lowering its metabolic rate. Your body will try to conserve energy and try to store more food energy as body fat.
Exercise prevents muscle loss and burns more calories. This is so important to healthy weight loss. Do at least 30 minutes every second day.
Just these three tips will have dramatic results in your fight against weight loss. Follow these simple tips and you will be on your way to healthy weight loss, and your you will shed pounds for a long time to come.
How many calories in my food?
1 - Fat
2 - Carbohydrates
3 – Protein
All food is made from one or a combination of these energy sources. Each energy source contains different amounts of calories and are as follows:
Food Source | Calories | Kilojoules |
Protein | 4 | 16.7 |
Fat | 9 | 37.7 |
Carbohydrate | 4 | 16.7 |
As you can see each gram of fat you consume provides more than twice as many calories as a gram of protein or carbohydrate. That is part of the reason there has been a trend towards fat free products. But be careful, a fat free product is not always a good choice, it still has calories. Candy in now promoted as fat free. It is but the deception is that it contains sugar and lots of it. Sugar is a carbohydrate and contains calories. Calories are the main concern not the amount of fat.
Here is an example of how these numbers are used:
A large order of french fries - 6 oz or 171 g contains:
6 grams of protein
25 grams of fat
70 grams of carbohydrates
That would total 529 calories for one order of large fries at a popular fast food chain.
(6 g protein x 4) + (25 g fat x 9) + (70 g carbs x 4) = 529
In this order of fries 24 calories come from protein; 225 calories come from fat; and 280 calories come from carbohydrates.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Number of Calories in a Pound of Body Fat
It is important to talk about calories when we speak about weight loss and embark on a weight loss plan. The best weight loss programs take into account the number of calories taken in and used. Some of these plans just are not up front about it and talk about points and other measurements but all good weight loss programs have to count calories in some fashion.
One pound of human body fat is approximate 3,500 calories and 14,644 kilojoules. For the metric dieters that equals 7,716 calories for 1 kilogram of human body fat and 32,284 kilojoules.
Weight | Approximate Calories | Approximate Kilojoules |
Pound | 3,500 | 14,644 |
Kilogram | 7,716 | 32,284 |
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Is Organic Food Better for You?
Advocates say organic food is safer, possibly more nutritious, and often better tasting than non-organic food. They also say organic production is better for the environment and kinder to animals.
And more and more shoppers seem convinced. Even though organic food typically costs more --sometimes a lot more -- sales are steadily increasing.
"We've had a strong 20%-a-year growth rate since 1990," says Katherine DiMatteo, executive director of the Organic Trade Association (OTA). She also says more land is going into organic production all the time -- up to 2.35 million acres in 48 states as of 2001.
But many experts say there's not enough evidence to prove any real advantage to eating organic foods.
"There's really very limited information in people on actual health outcomes with consumption of these products," says David Klurfeld, PhD, chairman of the department of Nutrition and Food Science at Wayne State University in Detroit. "We don't know enough to say that one is better than the other."
So before you decide whether organic food is worth the price of admission, let's take a look at the issues.
What Qualifies as Organic?
Before October 2002, states followed varying rules for certifying and labeling organic products. But now all organic foods are grown and processed according to strict national standards set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
To meet these standards, organic crops must be produced without conventional pesticides (including herbicides), synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation. Organically raised animals must be given organic feed and kept free of growth hormones and antibiotics. Organic farm animals must have access to the outdoors, including pastureland for grazing.
If a food has a "USDA organic" label, it contains at least 95 percent organic ingredients, and a government-approved expert has inspected the farm where it was produced to make sure the farmer follows USDA requirements.
"Before the standards went into effect, you never knew what you were getting," says Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD/LD, director of nutrition for the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic. "My comment to people always used to be, 'Buyer beware,' so I'm thrilled that now we as consumers can be confident that when we buy something organic, it really does adhere to certain established standards."
Is Organic Food Safer?
"If you're talking about pesticides, the evidence is pretty conclusive. Your chances of getting pesticide residues are much less with organic food," says John Reganold, professor of soil science at Washington State University in Pullman, Wash.
Reganold points to a large-scale study done by the Consumers Union. Researchers looked at data from more than 94,000 food samples and 20 different crops. They found that organically grown crops consistently had about one-third as many pesticide residues as the conventionally grown versions. Organic foods also were far less likely to contain residues of more than one pesticide.
Even so, the amount of man-made pesticide residues found in conventional foods is still well below the level that the Environmental Protection Agency has deemed unsafe. The real issue is whether these small doses, over years and decades, might add up to an increased health risk down the line.
"Is it going to make a difference? I don't know," says Reganold. "But it's something to think about, and we're the guinea pigs."
Man-made pesticides aren't the only threats to food safety. There is also the question of natural toxins produced by the plants themselves. In this arena, conventional foods may actually have the advantage.
Because organic production steers clear of synthetic insecticides and herbicides, organic crops usually contend with more pests and weeds than conventional crops. This means the organic plants may produce more natural toxins.
"Plants can't get up and walk away. If they're being attacked, they've got to sit there and take it. So they may resort to their own chemical warfare," explains Carl Winter, director of the FoodSafe program and an extension food toxicologist at the University of California, Davis.
These natural pesticides could be just as harmful to people -- or even more so -- than the synthetic pesticides used in conventional agriculture. One familiar example is solanine, a substance produced by potatoes as they turn green, which can make you ill if you ingest too much of it.
Another safety concern that has been raised about organic food is the issue of manure fertilizers. Some critics fear that using manure to fertilize organic crops might increase the risk of contamination by dangerous microbes like E. coli.
"The organic farmers talk about the soil being more alive on organic farms than conventional farms. That life isn't just insects and worms; it's loaded with bacteria," says Klurfeld.
But organic production standards do include strict rules on the composting and application of manure. And there's little evidence that organic food has bacterial contamination more often than conventional food.
"The organic system is the only one with agricultural standards that prohibit the use of raw manure within a certain time frame between harvests of crops for human consumption," says the Organic Trade Association's DiMatteo. She adds that bacterial contamination usually happens because of improper handling after the food has left the farm, and conventional food is just as likely to be affected.
Whether the issue is bad bacteria or pesticide residues, experts agree that the best way to safeguard yourself is to thoroughly rinse all fruits and vegetables under running water. You should even wash items with inedible skins, like melons and citrus fruits, because cutting the rind with a knife can bring contaminants to the inside.
Is Organic Food More Nutritious?
Right now, no one can say for sure whether organic food is any more nutritious than conventional food. A few studies have reported that organic produce has higher levels of vitamin C, certain minerals, and antioxidants -- thought to protect the body against aging, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. But the differences are so small that they probably have no impact on overall nutrition.
"So far nothing is definitive, but there really hasn't been a lot of money expended on looking at the nutritional benefits of organic products," says DiMatteo. She points out that studies done before the USDA national standard went into effect are likely to be invalid, as there were then no reliable controls on organic production methods.
There is one nutritional certainty, though. If you want to get the most from your food, eat it while it's fresh.
"Nutrients like vitamin C do oxidize over time. So even though the nutrients might be higher in organic food to begin with, if it's sitting in your refrigerator, you could lose that benefit," says Zelman.
Plus, fresh food just tastes better. This may be one reason people sometimes report that organic foods have more flavor. Because organic farms tend to be smaller operations, they often sell their products closer to the point of harvest. So don't be surprised if the organic fruits and vegetables in your market taste more "farm fresh" than the comparable conventional produce.
Is It Worth the Cost?
Whether or not organic food really is safer or more nutritious, advocates say there is one more compelling reason to go organic: The health of the environment and society as a whole.
"Toxic and persistent pesticides do accumulate. They accumulate in the soil; they accumulate in the water; they accumulate in our bodies," says DiMatteo. "So by eliminating the use of these pesticides and fertilizers in the organic production system, we are not contributing any further to this pollution."
But food experts caution that while the big picture is important, you must make the decision that makes the most sense for you. If you can manage the higher price, and you like the idea of fewer pesticides and a more environmentally friendly production system, organic food may be for you. But don't skimp on healthy conventional foods just because you think you need to save your pennies for the few organic items that you can afford.
"The best thing you can do for yourself is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and grains. And eat variety. From my perspective, it doesn't matter whether they are organic or conventional," Winter says.
If you like the idea of organic foods but aren't ready to go completely organic, you can always pick and choose. Depending on your own needs and goals, here are a few items you might want to put on your list.
If you are most interested in reducing pesticides in your food, buy organic versions of foods whose conventional forms may carry high levels of pesticide residues. These include:
Green peas
Green beans
Green onions (scallions)
Summer and winter squash
If you're most interested in promoting the growth of organic farming, buy organic foods that require large expanses of cropland and pasture, such as:
Other grains
Dairy foods and beef
If you're interested in more natural conditions for farm animals and fewer antibiotics and hormones, buy products from organically raised livestock and poultry, such as:
Published Feb. 25, 2004.
SOURCES: Food Additives and Contaminants, May 2002. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003; vol 51(5); 2002; vol 50(19). Agricultural Outlook, November 2002. Katherine DiMatteo, executive director, Organic Trade Association, Greenfield, Mass. David M. Klurfeld, PhD, professor and chairman, department of nutrition and food science, Wayne State University, Detroit. Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD/LD, WebMD Weight Loss Clinic director of nutrition. John Reganold, PhD, professor, department of crop and soil sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, Wash. Carl K. Winter, PhD, director, FoodSafe Program; extension food toxicologist, department of food science and technology, University of California, Davis. U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service. Council for Biotechnology Information. Organic Trade Association. Consumers Union. Environmental Working Group.
© 2004 WebMD Inc.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Dieting 101
After a few articles, books, and a some web sites you are ready to begin a diet and exercise program, but still not sure where to start.
Being lost in midst of all of these variables is not a hard thing at all. There is sooo much knowledge and guidelines out there that sometimes we don't know how to put it all together. Well today you are in luck!
You are doing the right thing! It is virtually impossible to know everything there is to know about diet and exercise. If everyone waited until they knew everything in order to get started no one would get started. What we first need to do is to construct a plan. Our plan will be simplified but will be enough to get you on the right track.
1. Set your goal(s).
If you don't know what you want or what you are doing you will be less likely to get where you want to go. You also will not have the same determination as you could have. If you don't have a picture of what you want in your mind you will be less motivated. Here are some sample questions you can ask yourself. How much weight do I want to lose? What exactly do I want to look like? Do I want a smaller waist? Do I want bigger arms? What measurements am I looking for? What sort of time frame am I looking at?
When you have done this it doesn't hurt to write your answers down to some of these questions as a reference for later. We as human beings can forget easily! Also, if you have to, record some of your current statistics that relate to your questions like measurements or your weight for example. Then you will have something to compare to and your results can be measured more effectively. Motivation aside, some will even take photographs of themselves. They are also great for motivation as well. In the future I will include articles on motivation.
2. Start to construct your menu along with the quantities.
For some this is the hard part since they don't know how much or how little food to take. I will help you and give you a few sample formulas. The most accurate guideline that I have found (and actually have used) over the years is to multiply your current bodyweight by 10. That's how many calories you should be taking in for the day. Also remember that your true weight is when you get up without any clothes on. So if you weigh 165 pounds for example you would be able to take in 1650 calories a day. Try it!
The second way to do it is to take a piece of paper and record everything you eat for three days. Then after you do that get a calorie counter and total it up for each day. Add them together and then divide that number by 3. This will give you an average of the number of calories you usually would take in. Now you then subtract this number by 500 and that would be your caloric allowance for one day. Neat huh?
3. Begin thinking of your exercise program.
While weight training is not a necessity it is highly recommeded for permanent lasting results. But if inconvenience or a lack of interest is an issue then cardiovascular activity will do just fine! Though what we explored in my other article about weight training is definitely true, it possible by all means to meet your goals with aerobic exercise. As with your goals, ask yourself these questions...Do I like to exercise at home? How much time do I have or am willing to put into it? What types of exercise do I enjoy (eg. walking, stationary bike etc.)? What days am I available?
I will now share with you some quick guidelines concerning your cardio. Incase you didn't know aerobic (meaning with air) exercise is the most beneficial for burning fat. Examples are swimming, jogging, brisk walking, running, stairclimber etc. The easiest to do by far is the exercise bike and walking. To be effective, aerobic exercise must last at least 20 minutes in duration. It doesn't have to be strenuous at all. If you can't hold a reasonable conversation while you train you are working too hard. Your heart rate does not have to be elevated that high. Also, the opposite of aerobic is anaerobic meaning your are using more muscle power. Therefore, if you are on the bike and your legs start to burn release the tension a little bit. Gradually as your muscles become more tired it still takes the same lung power to move the pedals while using lighter resistance. Either way you win!
To start off, 20-30 minutes of cardio three times a week should do wonders for you. As long as you are consistent you will see results. Remember that most of the time it is not the exercise that is at fault but the person doing them or not doing them! Again, exercise does not have to be hard but consistent. I have tried to make these guidelines as easy as possible for you because when it comes down to it, we tend not to do the things we don't like or feel is too strenuous.
There! This plan should be enough to get you started well on your way to meeting your fitness goals. Once you have the foundation laid down in this manner you can use other information you acquire to build upon it. Good luck and take it all the way!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Drink Water for weight loss
by Maia Appleby
Don't roll your eyes! The potion for losing that excess body fat is all around you. It covers two thirds of the planet. If you eat right and exercise at the intensity, frequency and duration proper for you, but still can't get rid of a little paunch here and there, you're probably just not drinking enough water.
No need to get defensive. You're actually quite normal. Most people don't drink enough water. Most people are also carrying around a few more pounds than they would be if they did drink enough water. If you can't seem to get that weight off, try drowning your sorrows in nature's magical weight-loss mineral. It works, and here's why:
"What on Earth is 'metabolism', anyway?" People use the term all the time, but ask them what it means and you'll get all kinds of answers. Merriam Webster defines it as, "The process by which a substance is handled in the body." A little vague, but that's really all it means.
There are many forms of metabolism going on in your body right now, but the one everyone is talking about it the metabolism of fat. This is actually something that the liver does when it converts stored fat to energy. The liver has other functions, but this is one of its main jobs.
Unfortunately, another of the liver's duties is to pick up the slack for the kidneys, which need plenty of water to work properly. If the kidneys are water-deprived, the liver has to do their work along with its own, lowering its total productivity. It then can't metabolize fat as quickly or efficiently as it could when the kidneys were pulling their own weight. If you allow this to happen, not only are you being unfair to your liver, but you're also setting yourself up to store fat.
"I've tried it and I couldn't stand it!" The problem is that, though many decide to increase their water intake, very few stick with it. It's understandable. During the first few days of drinking more water than your body is accustomed to, you're running to the bathroom constantly. This can be very discouraging, and it can certainly interfere with an otherwise normal day at work. It seems that the water is coming out just as fast as it's going in, and many people decide that their new hydration habit is fruitless.
Do take heed , though. What is really happening is that your body is flushing itself of the water it has been storing throughout all those years of "survival mode". It takes a while, but this is a beautiful thing happening to you. As you continue to give your body all the water it could ask for, it gets rid of what it doesn't need. It gets rid of the water it was holding onto in your ankles and your hips and thighs, maybe even around your belly. You are excreting much more than you realize. Your body figures it doesn't need to save these stores anymore; it's trusting that the water will keep coming, and if it does, eventually, the flushing (of both the body and the potty) will cease, allowing the human to return to a normal life. It's true. This is called the "breakthrough point."
One recent finding, as irresponsible as it may be, that caffeine increases the body's fat-burning potential has many people loading up on coffee before going to the gym. This finding may hold some degree of truth in it, but caffeine is, in essence, a diuretic, and diuretics dehydrate. Caffeine may increase the heart rate, causing a few more calories to be burned, but this is at the expense of the muscles, which need water to function properly. This isn't doing your heart any favors, either. It's already working hard enough during your workout. Never mix caffeine and exercise. In fact, your best bet is to stay away from caffeine all together. It's a big bully that pushes your friend water out of your system.
Water is the best beauty treatment. You've heard this since high school, and it's true. Water will do wonders for your looks! It flushes out impurities in your skin, leaving you with a clear, glowing complexion. It also makes your skin look younger. Skin that is becoming saggy, either due to aging or weight loss, plumps up very nicely when the skin cells are hydrated.
In addition, it improves muscle tone. You can lift weights until you're blue in the face, but if your muscles are suffering from a drought, you won't notice a pleasant difference in your appearance. Muscles that have all the water they need contract more easily, making your workout more effective, and you'll look much nicer than if you had flabby muscles under sagging skin.
"Eight glasses a day? Are you kidding?!" It's really not that much. Eight 8-ounce glasses amount to about two quarts of water. This is okay for the average person, but if you're overweight, you should drink another eight ounces for every 25 pounds of excess weight you carry. You should also up this if you live in a hot climate or exercise very intensely.
This water consumption should be spread out throughout the day. It's not healthy at all to drink too much water at one time. Try to pick three or four times a day when you can have a big glass of water, and then sip in between. Don't let yourself get thirsty. If you feel thirsty, you're already becoming dehydrated. Drink when you're not thirsty yet.
Do you think water is yucky? Drinking other fluids will certainly help hydrate your body, but the extra calories, sugar, additives and whatever else aren't what you need. Try a slice of lemon or lime in the glass, or if you really think you hate water, try a flavored water. Just make sure you read the labels. Remember that you're going to be consuming a lot of this fluid.
It's probably a good idea to stop drinking water a good three hours before you go to bed. You know why.
"How cold should it be?" This is debatable. Most experts lean toward cold water, because the stomach absorbs it more quickly. There is also some evidence that cold water might enhance fat burning.
On the other hand, warmer water is easier to drink in large quantities, and you might drink more of it without even realizing it. Do whatever suits you, here. Just drink it!
When you drink all the water you need, you will very quickly notice a decrease in your appetite, possibly even on the first day! If you're serious about becoming leaner and healthier, drinking water is an absolute must. If you're doing everything else right and still not seeing results, this might just what's missing.
©2001-2005 Ideal Fitness, Inc.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
How many calories should I eat
How many calories should I eat if I want to lose weight?
Unfortunately, there's no magic number of calories we should all eat each day. You'll need to assess your own caloric needs based on several factors.
First you'll need to figure out how many calories you can eat to stay the weight you're at right now.
To estimate how many calories you should consume in order to maintain your weight, you'll need to do a little math. By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your basal metabolic rate -- also known as your BMR.
(Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.)
Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function.
We use about 60 percent of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.
Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.
Step one is to calculate your BMR with the following formula:
Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Step two: In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:
If you are sedentary : BMR x 1.2
If you are lightly active: BMR x 1.375
If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 1.55
If you are very active (You exercise daily.): BMR x 1.725
If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 1.9
In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. It is easier and healthier to cut back your calorie intake a little bit at a time. Every 3,500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound.
If you cut back 500 calories a day, you will lose 1 pound per week. If you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day you will also lose 1 pound per week.
Ideally, you should do a combination of both, (e.g. cut back 250 calories; burn an extra 250 calories).
A healthy weight loss goal is to lose .5 to 2 pounds per week. Losing more than 2 pounds per week will mean the weight is less likely to stay off permanently. Never cut back to fewer than 1,200 daily calories without medical supervision.
To find out how you are spending your current calorie intake, keep a detailed food diary for at least one week. You can check the calorie content of most foods at Web sites like
With careful review, you will find ways to cut back those 250 calories a day: the milk in your cereal ... the can of soda you drink daily ... the butter on your toast.
Making little changes like these will really add up in the long run.
Becoming more active will knock the remaining 250 calories out. For example, a 180 pound person who walks at a brisk 3 miles-per-hour will burn just over 250 calories in 45 minutes.
South Beach diet and phase one
If you have a lot of weight to lose you can do Phase 1 for an extended period of time, but not permanently. If you are considered obese you can extend Phase 1 to one full month. If you are morbidly obese, you may stay on Phase 1 for up to two months, but be sure to check with your doctor first. Those who are not considered obese - or who are only trying to reduce belly fat - should stop Phase 1 after two weeks. No one should try to follow Phase 1 permanently. The Reason Behind the Results
Phase 1 does in fact lead to significant weight loss> and reduction of belly fat, but its true purpose is to help alleviate your cravings for bad carbs and sweets. It's not meant to be a way to lose a lot of weight really quickly. Bigger Goal, Bigger Results
You will probably lose more weight per week on Phase 1 than someone who is more slender. However, as you enter Phase 2 you will find you level out at losing 1 or 2 pounds a week, which is ideal.
Dr. Agatston has said ther factors influence the rate at which you lose weight during Phase 1. These include: Having gained a large amount of weight as an adult A family history of diabetes A family history of high triglycerides Significantly predominant abdominal fat Learning to Live the SBD Way
The last two Phases of the diet are important for several reasons: Phase 1 is very strict and feels most like being on a restrictive type of diet; it is quite different from the way you're probably used to eating. The latter two Phases allow you to add foods you've been avoiding back into your diet. Being able to eat those carbs again will keep you from feeling deprived and provide you with more variety in your meal plans. Phase 3 is the way to adjust to the SBD as a lifestyle, not a diet. Remember: Once you've met your goal, you'll need to continue to follow the guidelines set forth in Phase 3 to maintain your weight. Thanks for submitting your questions. Best of luck in your weight loss efforts. (Please note: In order to correctly follow The South Beach Diet, you will need to read The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Welcome to our weight loss blog
Fast weight loss will be a relative term on this site. You should not come here and expect to loose weight at the snap of your fingers. It is about healthy natural weight loss not quick weight loss diets.
weight loss plan
fast weight loss diet
weight loss online
weight loss drug
weight loss information