Precision Nutrition System

Precision Nutrition System
Healthy Eating For Fat Loss

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Top Fat Burning Training System Explained

This weight loss tip comes from a recent interview with Craig Ballantyne, creator of Turbulence Training and strength and conditioning coach Jason Ferrugia.

JF: Your Turbulence Training system is one of the most effective training systems I have ever seen. Could you briefly describe the thought process that went into creating Turbulence Training and what makes it so effective and time efficient?

CB: In grad school, when I had no time to train, I had to find a way to get results, fast. That’s what almost everyone wants and needs these days, and it doesn’t matter if they want to gain muscle or lose fat. I was working 15-16 hours in the lab but still trying to get in my workouts. I realized that I couldn’t do marathon sessions, but I wasn’t about to sacrifice muscle or get fat.

Fortunately, the results of my training studies along with my review of some other research studies, confirmed my experiences that high-intensity training was the way to go. Use only squats, deadlifts, presses, split squats, rows, and similar exercises to get the maximum results in minimum time.
By training with multiple sets of low reps (6-8), and using intervals, you apply the most metabolic turbulence to the muscles. That burns a ton of fat and calories in the workout, and after. That is the key. Light weight, high reps, and slow-steady cardio don’t cause you to keep burning a lot of calories after the workout. And this approach also helps you do the next to impossible; gain lean mass while losing fat.

Another important component of TT is variety. I change the workouts frequently, every 3-4 weeks. That means rotating the exercises, putting in new variations (you can still create an endless number of workouts with variations on the basic lifts, as well as the advanced bodyweight exercises).
That’s the nuts and bolts of my Turbulence Training philosophy.

Turbulence Training best abs exercisesAbout the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Grab a free 4 week TT workout program, just click the link below.



Turbulence Training Workout

Monday, April 26, 2010

Quick fat burning workout you can do from home

 I just put up a video and some simple instructions on a simple but effective 12 minute fat burning muscle toning workout.

Be sure to check it out here --  12 Minute Weight Loss Circuit

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Has this fitness expert gone crazy?


Well, I think one of my favorite fitness trainers, Craig Ballantyne, may have gone crazy over the weekend.

Check this's the most OUTRAGEOUS fitness offer ever...

Men's Health and Women's Health fitness expert, Craig Ballantyne, is offering you a chance to "practically steal" his world-famous Turbulence Training fat loss program for only $1.

For 21-days you'll get to try the Turbulence Training workouts and all you pay is $1 during that time. Heck, that's less than the cost of a soda!

This program usually costs $39.95, but you can start a 21-day trial for only $1. If you like it, you'll be billed the remaining $38.95 investment at the end of your 21-day trial period.

And nothing will be held back. You'll get access to the entire Turbulence Training for Fat Loss system, including a free 3-month membership into the Turbulence Training Inner Circle where you can
ask Craig any question you want about your fat loss workouts and nutrition program.

You have nothing to lose. If you don't like the program, you can ask for your money back. So there is no risk to you.

So for the next 3 days, you can get started on the world's most popular home-gym fat burning workout program that you can do with minimal equipment for just pennies.

Say goodbye to long, slow, boring cardio workouts that don't burn anything but your time away. Plus, you'll get Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines, and all of the bonus workouts
that come in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package.

If you are sick and tired of doing all that cardio and getting NO results, then change your workout today and grab the Turbulence Training system for only $1.

Your results are also guaranteed by the Turbulence Training 100% money back promise. If you aren't fully satisfied with your results from the program, just let Craig know before the end of the 21-day
trial and you won't be billed again.

You have nothing to lose but your body fat and your belly. Get started with Turbulence Training immediately here:

 You can also pick up a free Turbulence Training Workout just click the link below.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Note: link will expire

Hey guys,

Just in case you somehow haven't downloaded this yet, today is the LAST day to grab your free copy of Joel Marion's "5 Sneaky Tricks to TRIPLE Fat Loss Results" report.

triple your fat loss

-- Mens xtreme fat loss diet

Over 41,197 people have downloaded the 27-page report already - why? - because it's BRAND NEW info all about how to lose fat WAY faster than you currently are.
Does that interest you, too?

Xtream fat loss Diet ------ HURRY Link expires

The page is coming down today, so make sure you grab your 100% free copy before it's history.
Talk soon

P.S. If you're not at all interested in the FASTEST fat loss methods, then this probably isn't for you...

Xtream Fat Loss Diet ------ Ends Today

Saturday, April 17, 2010

5 Life Sized Fat loss Tips

This is a guest post by my friend and fat loss expert and Turbulence Training Author, Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Small List of Big Fat Burning Tips

I was just reviewing a big file of all the new exercise, diet, and research proven fat burning tips I wrote down for 2009, and I wanted to share 5 BIGGIES that can help your clients get more results AND make your awesome workers even better.

So here we go:

#5 - Shuttle Runs
Recent research shows shuttle-running is tougher than running intervals in a straight line, so if you want to burn fat faster than ever, make sure you incorporate old-school shuttle runs (i.e. classic suicide type drills) into your fat burning interval programs.

#4 - Use a food log.

"According to Men's Health (Feb 2009, p 38), keeping a food log helped subjects lose 3.5 more pounds than subjects that didn't keep the log."

#3 - Hit a personal best in each workout.

This is an oldie, but a goodie. There are a few reasons you need to do this:

a) First of all, everyone loves progress, and if you can achieve a personal record in each workout (i.e. could be # of pushups, plank time, etc.), then you will feel a HUGE sense of accomplishment.

b) More personal bests = more results. Plain and simple.

c) You will get addicted to the workouts, and always want to come back for more attempts at breaking records.

#2 - Get a trainer or join a bootcamp.

"According to Men's Health magazine, (Dec, 2009), beginners who work with trainers get more results than beginners who workout by themselves". Guaranteed.

#1 - Read a motivational quote every morning.

I promise you that it will elevate your motivation and inspire you to reach your fat loss goals.

Here's the first motivational quote you can read tomorrow morning:

"Be loud and proud of the healthy changes you are making in your life. There are many more folks secretly wishing someone will take charge and be a healthy role model for them. It might not happen
overnight, but if you continue to lead by healthy example - without preaching or being condescending - you can build an entourage that will help you reach the next level." - Craig Ballantyne

Those are 5 unique tips to help you lose fat. Give them a try and see what happens. If you need a weight loss program I'm giving away a free Turbulence Training program just click the link below.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Women Discover How You Can Lose Belly Fat

Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat

Do you want to lose belly fat?
If so then it is important to know two things.

  1. Not all belly fat is created equally.
  2. As a woman when you get older you will naturally get more belly fat then a man does, this is a little unfair but that is the way it is, sorry.

First let’s look at why belly fat isn’t created equally. There are two types of belly fat – visceral and subcutaneous. Subcutaneous fat is the fat that you can pinch around your waistline. Visceral fat is the fat that is on the inside of your ab muscles surrounding your organs. To get a tight toned six pack you need to really get rid of both but specifically the subcutaneous fat as that is what is ‘masking’ your abs.

Visceral fat is very bad because it is linked to many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc. Visceral fat is also metabolically active, meaning that is doesn’t just sit there (like subcutaneous belly fat) is can actively promote inflammation which scientists think is the driving force for many diseases. Fortunately when you go on a weight loss diet you will lose both visceral and subcutaneous belly fat.

Now back to why women gain more belly fat then men as they get older. As a woman goes through menopause research shows that their body fat tends to get deposited less in their thighs, hips, and arms and more in their stomach area.

As you age and your metabolism slows down, the amount of fat in your body slowly increases. Women experience an even greater fat percentage increase than men do. Then after menopause, your body fat distribution tends to shift — less in your arms, legs and hips, and more in your abdomen. This change in body fat distribution is mainly due to hormonal changes that occur in menopause.

How can you stop this? Preventing storage of body fat in your stomach isn’t as complicated as people make it. In fact you really need to attach stomach fat just like you attack any other type of body fat. You need to use a reduced carb diet, metabolic resistance training, and interval training. This three pronged approach to losing weight is extremely effective in both men and women. It is important to realize that as we get older we move less to increasing activity and stimulating your metabolism to that you burn more calories and burn more fat is the best approach for women who want to lose belly fat (men too, actually).

by Mike Roussell PhD(c)

About the Author/More Info:

Warp Speed Fat Loss is a complete 28 day diet and training system crafted to help you lose 10,15, or 20lbs of body fat in just 28 day. To start losing weight fast visit {aff_link}. Mike Roussell is a nutrition doctoral student at the University of Pennsylvania. Mike's writings can be found in magazines such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, and Testosterone Nation. Mike specializes in fat loss nutrition and diets for busy men and women who need to lose weight fast without it interfering with their lives. Warp Speed Fat Loss is a complete Done-for-You A-Z Fat Loss Blueprint that gives you exactly everything you need to eat to lose weight in record time.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Do You Want a Firm Butt & Lean Legs?

Want to know the best exercises to firm up your butt?

Want the best interval training programs to burn fat from your legs?

Good, because I've got them here for you today! All thanks to Women's Health magazine contributor, Craig Ballantyne (he's also designed workouts for Shape, Prevention, and Muscle n Fitness Hers).

Back in 2004 Craig created a program called "Booty for Life" for a personal client. And while that program was awesome, he spent an entire week last month improving the workouts AND adding a brand new 4-week fat burning, butt-firming phase to the program...

...and he renamed it, "Booty for Wife (and all the single ladies!)".

Why did he rename and redo the program?

Well, the original name was bit of a joke, and it was a little too close to "Body for Life", and Craig didn't want anyone (i.e. Bill Phillips) to get upset when his Booty program got really popular. So
he made a simple little name he just has to hope that Beyonce doesn't sue him!

But seriously, and more importantly, Craig updated the original program and added 3 new workouts & some booty-building exercises to the plan, including:

- Lateral lunges
- 1-leg bodyweight deadlifts
- dumbbell lunges
- kettlebell swings
- dumbbell deep step-ups
- 1-leg bodyweight bench squats

Those go with all of the other booty exercises in the program, including split squats, 1-leg hip extensions, regular step-ups, and reverse lunges.

And Craig subbed in more bodyweight exercises so you don't need to use dumbbells as much for the rest of the workouts. Some of the new exercises you'll get are:

- Stability Ball Cross-Body Mountain Climber (great for abs/obliques)
- Close-Grip 3/4 Rep Pushups (awesome for sculpting your triceps)
- Stability Ball Pike (for hard-core abs)

Plus, you'll get SIX different fat burning interval training programs, and interval training has been shown to reduce thigh fat in research studies.

Whew. There's a lot in there for you, and to celebrate the re-release of Booty for Wife, I've asked Craig to put together an amazing special offer just for you.

You'll get all of these for free...

1) The TT Booty for Wife (& all the single ladies) 12-Week Program
2) The TT Female Bodysculpting 4-Week Workout
3) 30-Days in the TT Member's Website & Forum
4) The TT for Hot Chicks 4-Week Workout
5) The TT Hard-Core 4-Week Workout

...when you get your half-price copy of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Program for only $19.95.

(That's $10 less than if you were to buy Booty for Wife on its own!)

So you could get Booty for Wife for $29.95 or you could get Booty for Wife plus Turbulence Training plus all of those other bonuses all for only $19.95.

I think that's an easy choice, don't you?

Click here to get this amazing special offer today:

click here -- Booty for Wife plus Turbulence Training

Plenty of time to sculpt that booty before you hit the beach on your next holiday.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Basic Fat Loss Rules

Fat Loss 101

How do we actually lose fat? What do we mean by fat burning?

Here's a very simple, (dumbed down) explanation of what actually goes on to create a fat loss effect.

The key concept that trainers and physiologists have shoved down our throat for years is that it's all about calories in vs calories out. This is true “ for weight loss - but it's not the whole truth for fat loss “ there are a number of protective mechanisms that the body has in place, called rate limiting steps to prevent fat being lost.

On a very basic level - Fat burning is essentially a two step process.

The first step is mobilization. How do we get actually fat out of the fat cells so that we can subsequently use it as a fuel source?

Fat mobilization is governed essentially by levels of a hormone known as hormone sensitive lipase or HSL (you can forget the name as there wont be a test). Its an oversimplification but basically the higher the HSL levels, the higher the fat mobilization.

How do we get higher HSL? Increase catecholamine levels (specifically adrenaline).

How do we do that? Exercise. Particularly high intensity exercise.

But HSL is also limited by insulin. High insulin levels = low HSL levels = low fat mobilization.

So a great strategy for part one is low insulin levels (from diet and training), plus high catecholamines (through intense training).

Part two of the process is transport and oxidation.

If HSL levels are high - fat cells break down into free fatty acids (FFA) which circulate in the blood and eventually end up in a muscle (which needs energy) where they can be burned off in the mitochondria (this is the powerhouse of the cell that your high school biology teacher kept going on about).

But theres another rate limiting step here. Transporting the FFA into the mitochondria where it can be burned off. That transport is controlled by carnitine levels.

If carnitine levels are high - fat transport is high.

Think of carnitine like passport control officials.

If you get off a plane with 500 other passengers and there is one official at passport control - it
will take a long time to get through. If there are 500 officials - then you go through quickly and can leave the airport. (Leaving the airport is the equivalent of fat being burned off). The more officials (carnitine) the easier the process.

So how do we ramp up carnitine levels? Well - again we have a rate limiting step. If muscle glycogen is high then carnitine levels are low

So if we reduce muscle glycogen through metabolic work we have the optimal fat oxidation state. Therefore high intensity glycogen depleting exercise is a the tool of choice here.

High levels of fat mobilization + High levels of fat oxidation = Accelerated fat loss.

So if you figure out how to integrate all those steps, and circumvent each rate limiting step - you'll find that fat loss is simple..

About the Author/More Info:

Warp Speed Fat Loss is a complete 28 day diet and training system crafted to help you lose 10,15, or 20lbs of body fat in just 28 day. To start losing weight fast visit {aff_link}. Alwyn Cosgrove, M.S., C.S.C.S. is a nationally renown fat loss expert whose work has appeared in magazines such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Men's Journal, Self, Oxygen, and Muscle & Fitness HERS. His Warp Speed Fat Loss system is a complete Done-for-You A-Z Fat Loss Blueprint that gives you exactly everything you need to eat and exactly what to do for exercise to lose weight in record time.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Supplement Proven To Burn Fat Fast!

If you are looking for a cheap supplement that has been proven to burn fat this is it.

My buddy Jeff Anderson, you may know him as the muscle nerd filled me in on this forgotten supplement.

Jeff is always studying, keeping notes, and doing research. Through his research he uncovered this supplement that was used by old school bodybuilders when they had to cut for competition but keep their muscle mass.

Read more about it by clicking the link below.
Click Here --> Fat Burning Supplement